Proficiency in Electronic Payments
over 28 years experience
BankCardLaw means experience! BankCardLaw has the right kind of experience to pursue results in electronic payments cases. BankCardLaw is a premiere provider of customized electronic payments legal services. Since 1994, BankCardLaw has built relationships and achieved business – saving results in electronic payments and merchant credit card account matters. When your electronic payments acceptance is at – risk and the life of your business hangs in the balance, experience matters, relationships matter.

The Start-1994
Launched Beverly Hills Law Practice, began providing electronic payments legal services to businesses, first successful Terminate Merchant File TMF MATCH Deletion.

Attorney to the Rescue-1999
Law Practice increased electronic payments representations, built strategic relationships with card brands, banks, processors and merchant sales organizations.

Wrote the Book on Merchant Accounts!-2004
BankCardLaw wrote the definitive book on merchant accounts, “What Every Business Should Know About Accepting Credit Cards”

BankCardLaw Goes to Washington-2009
BankCardLaw relocates to Washington, DC to enrich electronic payments legal service offerings in the Nation’s Capitol.

Capitol Growth-2011
Legislative Counsel Service on Capitol Hill, Government Affairs Consulting & Government Relations Committee Memberships open new doors to greater electronic payments client offerings.

Return to Beverly Hills-2016
Back to Beverly Hills to offer clients powerful connections to Washington, DC combined with the cutting edge electronic payment developments of California.
Tony Ogden is the principal and chief counsel who founded The Law Offices of Anthony L. Ogden and BankCardLaw in 1994. He offers clients a wealth of experience including more than 28 years of professional services dedicated to handling electronic payments cases, terminated merchant file or TMF MATCH cases and emergency management of distressed merchant accounts. He leverages his government affairs experience and extensive electronic payments relationships to pursue results for BankCardLaw clients.