The Law Offices of Anthony L. Ogden

The Law Offices of Anthony L. Ogden

Tony Ogden is the principal and chief counsel who founded The Law Offices of Anthony L. Ogden and BankCardLaw. He offers clients a wealth of experience including more than 27 years of professional services dedicated to handling electronic payments cases, terminated merchant file or TMF MATCH cases and emergency management of distressed merchant accounts. He leverages his government affairs experience and extensive electronic payments relationships to produce results for BankCardLaw clients. He typically represents small, midsize and large merchant businesses. He has also represented and provided consultation to law firm, bank, payment facilitator and independent sales organization clients. He continues to offer services for these client groups.

Tony previously served as Senior Legislative Counsel for a Member of Congress. In this capacity, he acted as lead attorney on all legislative & policy matters before the House Judiciary Committee and also covered issues of Institutional Banking, Electronic Payments, Internet Commerce, Intellectual Property, Taxes, and Telecommunications.

Following service as Senior Legislative Counsel, Tony acted as an Advisor to Members of Congress, Congressional Staffers and Stakeholders regarding matters including proposed legislation on internet sales tax, payment system integrity, Internet Service Provider (ISP) liability & card brand liability for unlawful e-commerce sales transactions.

Tony served as a member of the Government Relations Committees for the Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) and the Merchant Acquirers Committee (MAC).  He has provided regional and national presentations on intensified government regulation of third party payment providers, MasterCard MATCH concerns, and avoiding FTC & card brand penalties while conducting merchant level sales.  He authored a book on electronic payments (What Every Business Should Know About Accepting Credit Cards. ©2004) and has published articles pertaining to merchant acquiring.


Georgetown University Law Center (Juris Doctor)

Shippensburg University of PA (Bachelor of Arts)

American Bankers Association, School of Bank Card Management (Certification)


Beverly Hills Bar Association
Los Angeles County Bar Association
American Bar Association


Bar Admissions

California, District of Columbia, Texas (Inactive)

Court Admissions

US Supreme Court
US District Court, Central District of California
All California State Courts
District of Columbia Courts
